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Support creative freedom by joining the Smarter Joy Freedom Circle.

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(This is a for-profit endeavor, so subscriptions have zero effect on your tax return. But they are a great encouragement!)

Your payment details will be processed by PayPal, and a record of your donation will be stored by Smarter Joy.

Your monthly or one-time donation supports our mission of protecting creative freedom.

Freedom Circle members help us provide free educational branding resources to entrepreneurs and covers expenses like email service and computer service as well as administrative costs to schedule and post articles. 10% of all profits are invested in non-profits. No trademark or health-related content is restricted.

As a Freedom Circle member, you’ll also receive exclusive benefits like access to curated content and regular “Joy Bombs” – inspiring quotes to help you stay positive on your joyful journey.

Whether you are able to give or not, we look forward to bringing you inspiring thoughts, practical mom tips, thoughtful analysis of current issues, and many lessons learned in the trenches of fighting frivolous trademarks.

No, I am not an attorney, and you are not my client. But I can’t wait to share what I learned while the “experts” were making expensive mistakes for their clients, so I can help you grow and protect your creative online business.

To Your Joyful Success,
